Bee Yard Visit - May 29th 2013
These are a few of my mating nucs that were staged today. They should be populated with bees and virgin queens fairly soon.
This next picture shows a nuc that has a new queen in it. Note how dark these are. These are my Russian/Carnolian crossed bees. Their Queen Mother not only survived last winter she was thriving in the early spring as well. I hope to get some good stock with her.
A young bee landed on my sleeve while taking pictures today. Just look at that pollen !
This shot was taken from the north end of my main yard. We had some sun breaks for a brief time but it quickly became overcast as the day progressed.
This bee seems to be saying, "Hey... look what I have !"
They were busy bringing in pollen which is a good sign that they are brooding quite a bit now.