Saturday, August 31, 2013

Final Summer Harvest

Today I made my 'mountain run' and pulled honey from 8 colonies and got 18 boxes off.  It was a beautiful warm clear day and tomorrow it is supposed to hit 95 degrees.  Perfect for extracting!

You can see that my truck was pretty heavy laden with all that honey!

Truck loaded

After I off loaded the honey, there were some drippings on the tool box that the bees wanted to clean up.  these were from my hives in town and perhaps some 'riders' from my mountain yards.  They are very tenacious and do not want to give up the honey easily!

Cleaning up

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Harvesting Comb Honey

Several of my colonies were setup to make these and boy did they come out great!  Beautiful and heavy, these  frames were packed  tight. 
Comb Honey

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Good Performance with the Buckfast Queens from Weaver Apiaries

Check this out !

I purchased 3 Buckfast Queens from Weaver Apiaries in Texas about 4 weeks ago and just look at that brood!  I was impressed and we are about to have another nectar flow due to some recent rains.  I am eager to document how these work throughout the fall and winter this  year.   
Good Brood Pattern !

Buckfast Queen with Capped Brood

Here is a close up with a view of the Buckfast Queen.  Sorry about the shadow!  I trying to hold the frame and take the picture at the same time!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sharing some Comb Honey

I had some comb honey available and decided to share some with some young students.  They were very eager to eat and learn something new.  Nice combination.  The kids really enjoyed it!
Eager and Hungry Students !