Thursday, January 30, 2020

Inspecting local hives here in Spokane

Winters can be tough on our Bees here.  However, 2019-2020 has been rather mild but damp. 
I put on the sugar feeder box back in November along with a Insulator box with burlap as a moisture wick. 

When I inspected these today the survivor's burlap was damp so I replaced it with dry burlap.  A few of the survivors were working on the sugar.

Eating the Sugar!
I added more sugar and and feed the DFM Probiotic treatment too. 

This hive is really strong and notice - no nozema staining either!  :-)

This was a caught swarm (6-26-19) that is just booming!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

California Trip to Prepare for Almonds

This weekend, I flew down to California to prepare my hives for the Almond Pollination.  The day started out with rain but quickly the sun came out and made the afternoon a delight!  It was beautiful.
Prepping for Almond Bloom

DFM with Power Sugar Feed

I applied the DFM probiotic to the bees again this year.  Last  year, this helped with the build up

A blessed day for sure!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

First Post of 2020!

We are getting ready for an exciting year with our Bees.  I made it in to our main yard this afternoon to check on the bees and to work on boxes in my shop.  I saw a single bee flying outside of her home and she quickly went back in!

Trailer Bees Overwintering at our Home Yard

I prepped some materials for making more deep boxes next month.  This helps keep them straight and dry before I run them through the joint machine.  The strap really works!

Drying Rack Setup

Next week, I will be flying down to California to prep the hives there for the oncoming Almond Bloom that starts first week in February.  I am excited to see how they over-wintered in Sunny California!