Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saluting my Russian Visitors!

I would like to take some time to thank so many of my visitors from Russia.  As you may know, Beekeeping is very popular in Russia and Ukraine.  It is a shared interest and we all LOVE our bees and learning from each other.   Thank You!

Leaving politics aside for a moment - lets consider the terrible threat that is endangering our lives, our children and especially our aging parents.  I am so worried for my Dad, who is is in quarantine in California for his safety. 

WE are fighting a war of survival here and to be sure the entire world will experience this - in one way or the other.

Together, we will win and defeat the corona virus!  We will survive!

Я уважаю жертву ваших бабушек и дедушек. Вместе мы можем снова победить!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Working in my Shop during the CoVid-19 Virus Danger - Making 2 Frame Breeding Boxes!

We are staying positive and busy during this challenging time.

I went up to our place to get some work done in the wood shop and to make some more 2 frame breeding nuclei boxes for this upcoming Queen rearing season.


Simple box design

Shoot the Bottom on

Note - the 'feet' to keep the box from 'wicking' moisture

Shooting the handles on

Feeding port - can refill the jar (with punched holes ) without opening box

Just needs some paint!

I've made a few!  LOL!  :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Almond Orchard Bloom is INCREDIBLE !

The almond orchard, where my bees overwintered, is in FULL bloom now.  It is so beautiful there.

We will be going down to start Nucs and New Queens in 3 weeks, so our timing is great.   We are still in snow in some areas here but it does warm the heart a bit seeing these wonderful pictures from California

Hives doing great with the Bloom

Amazing Warm Days there!