Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Winter 2019 Work Ups for the New Year!

Sorry about my absence from my blog here.  We are building a new home and with my job and the bees - it sure keeps me busy!

This year started off in January rather warm and pleasant.  I actually thought we were in for a 'soft' winter.  I could not have been more wrong!  Winter came back with a vengeance and brought sub zero nights with 3 foot of new snow in just 16 days! 

So, the family and I are focused on building equipment and making frames.  Here is the box machine that we use to make the 'finger joints' for our boxes.   When this is running, I am VERY careful.  This is a dangerous machine for sure.  One mistake, and it would be my last!

Box Machine
Example of our Boxes with enclosed Varroa Screen

We are building up inventory!
Libby helps me with Frame Making
Saw this at the WSBA Conference at EWU this year.  Perfect.  We are crazy for sure!  LOL