Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Setting Up Breeder Nucs in California!

This year, I had the wonderful opportunity to have my adult kids give me a hand with queen rearing/nuc making in our yard in California.  This is where the bees pollinated the almonds this February/March.
Working Hives
 The weather cooperated a bit for us, although it sprinkled a bit.  Just after we finished our last task, it really came down!  My father-in-law in Houston would say, "it was a real frog strangler".

Placing Cells and Pro Biotic Treatment Applied
 We have been using ProDFM pro-biotic treatment for some time and the bees seem to respond to it very well.  Doing this brief and 'delicate' operation required some speed and care.  I was placing the cells and my lovely daughter - Hannah would apply the treatment.  THANK YOU Hannah!

Each Nuc took about 4 seconds to do.  The bees are queenless at this point - so they are not in the 'mood' to be messed with!  Plus, the weather was a cool and damp and this didn't help either.  It was interesting that the Nucs took immediate interest in the cell - once placed.

Cool Weather
 Working hives is not easy!  Pretty long days but very rewarding!  We all were fairly tired by nightfall!

Loading Nucs from Outyard
 We built some of our Nucs at an outyard on a previous day before placing queen cells.  Michael was a huge help!  THANK  YOU!
Inspecting 'donor' hives for making Nucs
 These were strong 'donor' hives - with two of them that were very pissy and angry.  Just a few stings!  LOL  :-)
ProDFM with Powder Sugar Treatment

Note - the Pink cell in the middle of  the nuc!