Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Setting Up Breeder Nucs in California!

This year, I had the wonderful opportunity to have my adult kids give me a hand with queen rearing/nuc making in our yard in California.  This is where the bees pollinated the almonds this February/March.
Working Hives
 The weather cooperated a bit for us, although it sprinkled a bit.  Just after we finished our last task, it really came down!  My father-in-law in Houston would say, "it was a real frog strangler".

Placing Cells and Pro Biotic Treatment Applied
 We have been using ProDFM pro-biotic treatment for some time and the bees seem to respond to it very well.  Doing this brief and 'delicate' operation required some speed and care.  I was placing the cells and my lovely daughter - Hannah would apply the treatment.  THANK YOU Hannah!

Each Nuc took about 4 seconds to do.  The bees are queenless at this point - so they are not in the 'mood' to be messed with!  Plus, the weather was a cool and damp and this didn't help either.  It was interesting that the Nucs took immediate interest in the cell - once placed.

Cool Weather
 Working hives is not easy!  Pretty long days but very rewarding!  We all were fairly tired by nightfall!

Loading Nucs from Outyard
 We built some of our Nucs at an outyard on a previous day before placing queen cells.  Michael was a huge help!  THANK  YOU!
Inspecting 'donor' hives for making Nucs
 These were strong 'donor' hives - with two of them that were very pissy and angry.  Just a few stings!  LOL  :-)
ProDFM with Powder Sugar Treatment

Note - the Pink cell in the middle of  the nuc!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saluting my Russian Visitors!

I would like to take some time to thank so many of my visitors from Russia.  As you may know, Beekeeping is very popular in Russia and Ukraine.  It is a shared interest and we all LOVE our bees and learning from each other.   Thank You!

Leaving politics aside for a moment - lets consider the terrible threat that is endangering our lives, our children and especially our aging parents.  I am so worried for my Dad, who is is in quarantine in California for his safety. 

WE are fighting a war of survival here and to be sure the entire world will experience this - in one way or the other.

Together, we will win and defeat the corona virus!  We will survive!

Я уважаю жертву ваших бабушек и дедушек. Вместе мы можем снова победить!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Working in my Shop during the CoVid-19 Virus Danger - Making 2 Frame Breeding Boxes!

We are staying positive and busy during this challenging time.

I went up to our place to get some work done in the wood shop and to make some more 2 frame breeding nuclei boxes for this upcoming Queen rearing season.


Simple box design

Shoot the Bottom on

Note - the 'feet' to keep the box from 'wicking' moisture

Shooting the handles on

Feeding port - can refill the jar (with punched holes ) without opening box

Just needs some paint!

I've made a few!  LOL!  :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Almond Orchard Bloom is INCREDIBLE !

The almond orchard, where my bees overwintered, is in FULL bloom now.  It is so beautiful there.

We will be going down to start Nucs and New Queens in 3 weeks, so our timing is great.   We are still in snow in some areas here but it does warm the heart a bit seeing these wonderful pictures from California

Hives doing great with the Bloom

Amazing Warm Days there!

Monday, February 24, 2020

A Beautiful Day to work in my Shop!

We are still in the depths of Winter here in Eastern Washington State.  As I drove in, there was a blizzard with lots of snow coming down. 
Winter STILL has it's hold on things here!
It was just me and my two canine buddies going up.   They love to go but typically 'over do' it by running and playing so hard that that crash later.

In the wood shop, I spent the bulk of the time building 2 frame 'breeder nuclei' boxes for raising queens.  This year, I had some outstanding survivor colonies that I want to raise some queens from.  Local queens are very good and those colonies tend to be rather better adapted for our weather and environment conditions.
The box on the top - is a 4 frame Nuc box for our efforts in California.  I hope to have over a 100 of these for next year.

All built with locally supplied ponderosa or what is called 'yellow' pine here.

Breeder Nuclei

On a side note, I've been building a 'tiny home' office for our place this year, and as the day progressed the sun came out and the fresh snow had melted.

Late Afternoon Sunset light

At the same time, my 'helpers' crashed in front of the Wood Stove.  Sound Asleep. 
It was a wonderful day.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Inspecting local hives here in Spokane

Winters can be tough on our Bees here.  However, 2019-2020 has been rather mild but damp. 
I put on the sugar feeder box back in November along with a Insulator box with burlap as a moisture wick. 

When I inspected these today the survivor's burlap was damp so I replaced it with dry burlap.  A few of the survivors were working on the sugar.

Eating the Sugar!
I added more sugar and and feed the DFM Probiotic treatment too. 

This hive is really strong and notice - no nozema staining either!  :-)

This was a caught swarm (6-26-19) that is just booming!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

California Trip to Prepare for Almonds

This weekend, I flew down to California to prepare my hives for the Almond Pollination.  The day started out with rain but quickly the sun came out and made the afternoon a delight!  It was beautiful.
Prepping for Almond Bloom

DFM with Power Sugar Feed

I applied the DFM probiotic to the bees again this year.  Last  year, this helped with the build up

A blessed day for sure!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

First Post of 2020!

We are getting ready for an exciting year with our Bees.  I made it in to our main yard this afternoon to check on the bees and to work on boxes in my shop.  I saw a single bee flying outside of her home and she quickly went back in!

Trailer Bees Overwintering at our Home Yard

I prepped some materials for making more deep boxes next month.  This helps keep them straight and dry before I run them through the joint machine.  The strap really works!

Drying Rack Setup

Next week, I will be flying down to California to prep the hives there for the oncoming Almond Bloom that starts first week in February.  I am excited to see how they over-wintered in Sunny California!