Friday, September 27, 2019

Showing Third Graders about the Bees - Sampling some Cut Comb!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking about Bees with a group of 3rd Graders in Spokane yesterday Morning.  It was fun!  They kids always have great questions and are VERY curious about the bees. 

The colors are beginning to change a bit.  It sprinkled a little bit and the forecast calls for colder temperatures this weekend with snow in the mountains!  Imagine that?  So early but things have been rather unpredictable this year - weather wise!

Some are very productive!
Lots of Questions and Interest

Showing the kids the Smoker and Veil 
Trying some comb honey!  

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cool and Wet Conditions bring on a 'mini Fall flow' here in Stevens County!

We have had some nice cool and warm days lately.  A few rain storms have blown through but we are getting some nice sun breaks too.  Temperatures in the 60's now.   It is a nice 'gentle' way to move into Fall and the bees seem to like it!

My colonies seem to be doing well - considering the lack of food in the environment.  I have done some supplemental feeding as of late with a few of my yards - where the dearth seems to be rather tough.

Today, I was working in one of my yards when noticed that the we have some dandelions coming on.  I was able to capture one of my gals working this.  I was a bit amazed by this!

Up Close - Note the Pollen!

Dandelion bloom!

This time of year, we can get some knapweed that seems to 're-bloom' too.  Most folks hate this weed - but I know my bees LOVE it!  :-)

Dandelion and Knapweed blooming

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Second Round of Varroa Treatments

This morning I had to get up before dawn to move some hives.  They were not happy about it! However, the Sunrise was incredible.  A light fog hung in the air and it was quite still and so beautiful.

Sunrise in Stevens County - Washington State - USA

Later that morning, I went out and applied another treatment to my hives to deal with the Varroa.  I'm switching thing up a bit to not rely on one treatment type or method.  The fogger with Oxylic Acid is fast and efficient.

Applying Oxylic vapor to the hives on the trailer
They get a bit upset with this.  Not too bad, but I still suit up with my veil.  They can be nasty this time of year!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Overwintering Presentation with the Northwest District Beekeepers Association!

It was our pleasure to drive on over to Snohomish yesterday to give a presentation on some tips and strategies for helping our bees overwinter successfully.  It was a lot of fun!

It was a great group too - lots of great questions and idea sharing.  Beekeeping is a community effort and to learn new things is always exciting.

Here is the link to their great website!  Lots of good information in there!

Much thanks to Mark Salser and Meagan Wells for hosting us for this event!

I look forward to helping your group there next Spring for Nuc and Packages too.

Lots of great questions and idea sharing!

Slide Deck From Presentation
